The philosophy of our museum

Ginkgo Museum

We believe that during one's life we should look at those deeper aspects beyond just what are material eye sees. We should look at the beauty of miracles, myth, form, light, the subtle symmetries and structures that compose the immense variety of life. Life is full and rich with many surprises and adventures and can be as sweet to our senses as a beautiful symphony of music.
With this belief we began our Ginkgo Museum. Our Museum provides, to the body and spirit of each visitor, a symphony of all the beauty and richness that Ginkgo provides to us.
In today's world people are very involved with science and we seem to overlook the greater beauty that is around and within us. Many people view Ginkgo from a purely technical aspect and that is alright. Our museum also provides the prosaic, historical, mythological and aesthetic aspects of Ginkgo.
Translation by Steven Ross, Sedona Az.

The main focuses of the presentation in the Museum

>Ginkgo Museum aktuell

World Ginkgo Exibition Hall

Int. Ginkgo Gipfel-Pizhou,China

Ginkgo Holz

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